Professor, scholar, and self-proclaimed mega-nerd Hollis Thompson will be launching his Sunday Morning Superheroes on Sunday, April 14th, 2024!
Sunday Morning Superheroes discusses biblical discourse in and around comic books.
Who is the podcast for? Hollis says it's for anyone who is a superhero fan of any faith, as long as they are interested in Christian and Hebrew texts.
The first episode covers the first appearance of Spiderman, and the Biblical lessons that Hollis feels Peter Parker could learn from King Solomon of old.

Where can you watch this podcast? Anywhere you can watch any of the shows from the Cereal Box Network! - That means YouTube, Facebook, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more.
This podcast airs once a month, always on Sunday. Make sure to give Hollis your two cents or ask questions in the comments of Sunday Morning Superheroes.
About the host:

Hollis Thompson is the artistic director of the Biblical Drama Institute in the Texarkana area and an English faculty member at the University of Arkansas Hope and Texarkana, where he teaches composition and literature. His main interests include Biblical literature, medieval literature, and superheroes.
Hollis’ writing has been published in scholarly journals and he is also an award-winning playwright.
He is currently working on an academic book about the intersection of Biblical studies and superhero culture.